10 Daily Useful Websites  #1

          Hey guys here is the list of 10 websites that you might find useful in your day to day works.We hope it would be helpful and we will be giving more posts at this topic later by including more useful websites later.As we know the use of internet in daily life has been increased very much so we hope this article would be very helpful.


  1. Screenr.com - Record movies of your desktop and send them straight to Youtube.
  2. Bounceapp.com - For capturing full length screenshots of web pages.
  3. Goo.gl - Shorten long URLs into QR codes.
  4. Untiny.me - Find the original URLs that hiding behind a short URLs.
  5. Localti.me - Know more than just the local time of a city.
  6. Copypastecharacter.com - Copy-paste special characters that aren't on your keyboard.
  7. Topsy.com - A better search engine for twitter.
  8. fb.me - Search iOS apps without launching iTunes.
  9. Iconfinder.com - The best place to find icons of all sizes.
  10. Office.com - Download templates,clip art and images for your Office documents
       We hope you found this article useful.Stay tuned for next one to get more websites.Thank you..